Control Panel Frontend and Emulator Integration

Ok.  If you have made it this far celebrate!  You are very close to actually playing all the old games you remember how your remember except with some killer flair.

HyperSpin Control Panel integration

Start by opening HyperHQ.exe in your c:\Hyperspin folder

  1. Go to the “Controls” Tab
  2. Select the “Joystick” Tab
  3. Enable your joysticks by checking the Enabled box next to player 1 and 2
  4. Press the “set” button next to the Player 1 UP box
  5. The box will change to “PRESS ANY KEY”
  6. The software is waiting for you to press the button or joystick on your control panel for player 1 up
  7. So press up on your joystick
  8. Do this for the rest of the boxes

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Emulator Control Panel Integration

This process is similar to what we did above with Hyperspin, but we need to do it for each emulator in our c:\Hyperspin\emulators folder.

We will do nestopia (NES) here for an example.  Just remember each emulator should have a “controls” or “input” menu that will allow you to configure your control panel.  You should only need to do this once unless you want to configure an individual game here and there to behave differently.

  • Open Nestopia
  • Go to “Options” then “Input”
  • You can then begin configuring your joystick
  • Under “pad 1” which will correlate with your player 1
  • You can press set for each function like up, down, button a, etc and press the joystick or button that you want to do that function.

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Again, you will do this for each emulator.

Wait…  Call your friends over.  It’s time to party and bask in the envy!




